Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lace Leaf

The Photograph

The Story

It's getting to be warm enough weather that my mind keeps wandering to camping and hiking whenever I walk outside. The hills around us sit lush and green, after our latest spring showers, but in a month or so most of that color will fade to become the dry grass we lovingly call the Golden Hills of California. My husband and I have taken a trip to Yosemite backpacking every fall for the last few years. It's never the same. The landmarks remain, but the place is alive. The details change dramatically from season to season. One year, breaking a trail through heavy underbrush in search of an ancient grinding stone called the"Indian Kitchen" supposedly just yards from our campsite, I came across this perfectly fallen leaf. Fall summed up in a single five fingered oak leaf. Dessicated and frail, beautiful still, bug trails show like lace. The once bright green crisped to a warm color embodying nature itself. Almost time to get out our packs....

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Laundry Day

The Photograph

The Story
One day in Malta is not enough. Walking back to the ship, watching the late afternoon sun lowering in the sky, Matt and I wandered through parts of Valletta, the capital city, that we had not yet seen, and had no time left to see. Looking up this perfect ancient alley at steps rather than a slope, seeing the Grand Harbour Hotel sign lean invitingly into the light, I wanted to stay. At least over night and see more of this beautiful and welcoming place. Seeing colorful laundry drying in the fresh sea breeze draped from some industrious resident's balcony I wished that instead of walking away we could sit at that little folding table and enjoy the end of the day with a two-finger tumbler of red wine, chatting, or in perfect silence. We could be residents too. If only for a time.

Alas, the ship awaits, ready to set sail for Tunisia. Another adventure awaits...